The narrator is not one but many voices in this interesting history of the Statue of Liberty. We begin with the author's experience and then travel back in time to read about the experiences of others who have contributed to the statute: de Laboulaye's "dream," Bartholdi (the artist), Marie Simon (his assistant), Gustave Eiffel (structural engineer), Emma Lazarus (poet), and many more. Young children will enjoy looking at the pictures. Older children will gain a wealth of knowledge about the conception and construction of the Statute of Liberty and the dedication, cooperation, and perseverance it took to build her. At the same time, this book is not just the facts (well researched and beautifully illustrated), but includes the emotional significance the statue has for the thousands of immigrants who first saw her on entering the harbor in New York City.
Also of interest:
The Story of the Statue of Liberty
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